Yoga Nidra & Pranayama Training
In de TeacherTraining Yoga Nidra & Pranayama Fundamentals leer je wat Yoga Nidra en Pranayama is en er les in te geven. Bovendien krijg je tools om je eigen ervaring uit te diepen. Deze Training bestaat uit twee modules: Fundamentals 1 en Fundamentals 2.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is een systematische oefening waarin je begeleid wordt van 'grof naar subtiel gewaar zijn'. Yoga Nidra kan diepe ontspanning teweeg brengen op o.a. fysiek, mentaal en emotioneel niveau...
Pranayama kun je uitleggen als adembeheersing, maar de term omvat veel meer. Via de adem kun je je systeem beïnvloeden op verschillende manieren.
Deep Dives into Pralaya Yoga
with Robert Boustany
May 31 - June 16, 2024
From the 31st of May Robert Boustany will be back at Yogasite to host "Deep Dives into Pralaya Yoga".
Join in on 1 or more days of inspiration and practical teachings. From energetics to backbends and armbalances. We have a wide range of topics available for you.
Pralaya Yoga can be a beautiful help in letting go f whatever is holding you back from becoming stronger, and opening your heart. Working on a physical level helps us to face the mental obstacles and gives us a better understanding of how body-mind-spirit are connected.
Robert is the founder of Pralaya Yoga and has over 50 years of experience in teacher yoga and yoga therapy. Robert definitely knows what he is talking about.
Check out the schedule to see if there's any topic that sounds inspiring to you! Looking forward to welkcoming you.